Reflection Logo - Mirror's Edge Catalyst (Orange) " Photographic Print for  Sale by Randy8560 | Redbubble 


In the first week, we were given our theme for our FMP which was "identity". We were tasked to have our own sub-genre of sorts within the main idea of identity. We had a few assignments regarding identity to help us grasp the main idea of what we were supposed to do and help us realise how far along the branch we can stretch out in the theme of  identity. One of these assignments was to pick any famous artist and speak about something they went through or had happened that shaped their identity, and for that, I chose Eminem and his relationship with his mother. As a final result, these tasks helped me land on my own personal FMP sub-genre which is "Hobbies and interests".  


During our 2nd week, we started on our proposals which are our write-ups for our main ideas and what we were actually going to create for our FMP. The idea I came up with was to film a Vox Pop and a documentary. I thought of this idea as a starting point for my project and didn't cement it straight away. During this week, I managed to fill out my rationale, project concept, evaluation, and timetable. This sheet helped me plan out my FMP all down to the evaluation


This week we had to prepare a presentation detailing the journey of our FMP down to the topic, what we were creating, what we're gonna use to create it (software or equipment or both), and 3 people related to our topic. My pech-kuch was talking about hobbies and interests and how they help human development in the long run and in the moment. I also spoke about how bill gates and Mark Zuckerberg's hobbies turned into lifelong careers and businesses. 

The feedback I got about the presentation was mostly "talk louder", However in relation to my actual project concept, I received one or two comments that said my idea was "interesting" and "well put together". judging by the lack of feedback I received, I thought maybe my idea could be improved or maybe I didn't deliver the idea well. Or possibly make a whole new idea.


During this week we were told to research a few graphic designers and create some of our own work inspired by them. During the creation of one of my posters, I ended up feeling more comfortable with a magazine instead of a documentary/ Vox pop enough so I decided to switch my project from a documentary/ Vox pop to a graphic-based project like a magazine or a poster. From recent projects, such as the graphic experiments from the first few months of college where I made a poster inspired by Michal batory, its clear that I do better with graphic design as i had alot more feedback to work with (especially positive)

I ended up using the poster I made and changed it into a magazine cover and kept the poster as part of my project. by doing this I achieved two big stepping stones all while completing a minor assignment. All that was left is to conduct my own research  and develop my magazine.

With everything else out of the way (apart from Vinnie's research task and updating my timetable), I can focus on my magazine production. so far I've started on the introduction and added some pictures but I am yet to get the ball rolling for the main text.


As of the beginning of this week, I've started to do my research on hobbies and identity and have completed the first two pages of my magazine. Unfortunately, I had to restart and make use of the generic column format of a magazine, but to be honest it was for the better. It allowed more ideas to pop in like adding sports equipment and applying text wrap to them for more character. and also I changed the color scheme to a darker purple for a warmer feel. Below is where my magazine is currently and it's far from finished.


this week I don't have any huge targets to complete, it's just continuing my magazine. I've managed to complete the first page, start a contents page and create a back cover. 
UPDATE: I've decided to take out the context page and leave it until the end to allow more space for other pages and the empty contents page just created dead space. I've started on my next page and i'm aiming to speak about friendships and the social aspects of hobbies.
(i've also made some design changes to the first page)


The sideways and squashed images were a design choice, i wanted a distorted look


During this week I noticed that most magazines contain ads relevant to the contents of the magazine.
I looked at a few physical magazines my teacher recommended to me and gave me an idea to include ads in my own magazine. I wanted my magazine to focus more on physical activities rather than staring at a screen so i used sporty, movement engaging activities like biking and football

The minimalist approach i took for the ads were inspired by the ones i looked at in the magazine

Ad in the magazine i took inspiration of

The adverts i created
Logo i've created

this is the final stretch and the week we have to turn in our assessments. i'm currently doing some final touch ups and proof reading my project and blog. I've finished my "feel free and embrace" spread and have added a few color corrections to the adverts

(Feedback from annette)
Ive decided to make my type size smaller to loosen up the crowded feel the first slide had. With my magazine somewhat complete i need to evaluate on my evaluation page in depth.

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