PECHA KUCHA EVAL         20/3/2023

My pecha kucha went okay in my opinion, I got my idea for my final major project across, and judging from the feedback, everyone understood clearly what my idea was. Most of the suggestions were just to have a little more passion and speak a little louder. I engaged with the audience well and yea. 

Things I could've done better would be to have more slides and speak a little more and possibly go into more detail about what and how im going to present my project.


The lack of feedback made me think of what i could do better for example maybe the idea was bland or not as appealing as i thought it was. That sent me down a path which was more graphics based


(see below text for project)

For my final project, i initially thought to do a documentary about my identity themed topic but i was majorly conflicted as i didn't feel like it was my strongest point in media production. Eventually after experimenting with a few forms of media i landed on a magazine as thats where i can express my skills the most within the given time frame as i stuck with a magazine a few weeks after we were assigned with the task. The aim of my magazine was to push people outside their comfort zone and get sociable with others and listing the mental, medical and life long benefits in doing so.

My project is targeted at younger people mainly aged 15-19 as thats the age that being social counts the most and can have an impact in the long run. This project has taught me a lot of things i never knew about Indesign, for example: Resizing cropping paragraph styles and loads more i can take and maybe even develop further into my course since i'm very passionate about graphic and magazine design.

During the works of my magazine i needed things to write about which was hobbies and interests.
I did both primary and secondary research. For the primary research, i spoke to a few of my classmates (who fell into my target audience) about their hobbies and interests and how it made them feel physically and mentally. For the secondary research i looked for mental health and social well-being websites and had a look at what they thought the influence was of having hobbies and interests.

I also looked at a couple professional magazines and i picked up a few things that i didn't know before like how most professional magazines have adverts in intervals throughout the spreads that relate to the magazine itself. Down below you can see i have implemented this into my own magazine, My magazine is sports/ outdoor hobby related so i created my own adverts for biking gear and football gear  that i found on external websites to appeal to my younger target audience. 

As i've mentioned before, the audience for my product would be people in college ages 15-19 looking to learn about hobbies and maybe find some of their own to guide them through their time at college.
their demographic characteristics are sporty, social and happy to try new things.

People that have seen my product tend to say they like the look of it and its eye catching and draws them in to keep reading.  The technique i used to appeal to my target audience was keeping everything minimalistic, I had in mind the UI designs of common smart phones that younger people tend to obsess over and blended that with my own magazine. I also integrated pictures of sports equipment and used a font from a popular game which could draw the attention of some people.

My magazine spoke about the mental benefits of having hobbies and interests and how they can bring people together to make life long relationships to help with a multitude of mental difficulties like anxiety depression boredom and may more. Me personally i haven't faced any problems like these but i have seen them.

My media product follows some of the common conventions but challenges most at the same time.
I have used the grid format for the first page but slowly drifted away from them. I have also used a bigger font size than the traditional 12/11pt. Off the top of my head i cant think of any theories my product can relate to.

The technologies that were available were the macs and the regular pcs and on those I used InDesign.
During the start, i found InDesign difficult to use but over time i got more and more comfortable with the software and was able to navigate it as easily as i can navigate premiere pro. I didn't encounter any problems during my time with InDesign apart from Knowledge issues like not knowing where things were.

From the first time we used InDesign to now, my skills with the app have improved by a huge margin.
Ive learned how to manipulate text and images with more fluidity and edit spreads.

My product ended up being something completely different from my initial idea which was a documentary/Vox pop. My initial idea came about from the idea that i wanted ti ask people about their own hobbies and interests and how it affects their lives but as you see now, that idea drifted far.

I think my magazine ended up being pretty successful and i am very proud of the front and back covers i designed from scratch. Improvements that i could make would be to have more text since the final product is very graphic based, with more time i could achieve that and maybe even more.

To conclude, I am very proud of the work i've produced and how i've learned more about the software i used to dislike due to huge knowledge gaps. There is a lot i have learned that i can use in future projects and even develop them further.          

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