I found that identity can relate to a lot of things such as trauma or relationships with others, not just yourself. It can cause people a lot of issues but also make people who they are. The meaning of identity is very open for discussion and can differ from person to person. To me, it just means who you are, your race religion family, and interests. just things about you.
Marshal "Eminem" Mather is a well-known rapper titled the Greatest of all time by many and said to have made the first big breakthrough for white rappers in the 21st century, a record producer, and maybe a little lesser known as an actor. Despite his achievements and successful career, Eminem had a rough childhood. He was raised in poverty with his parents gripped by drug addiction and relationship struggles.

This scarred Eminem and worsened his relationship with his mother all while growing up and figuring out his path or identity. He took a journey to figure out the role his mother played in his life and it was made difficult due to his father leaving the moment he was born. Eminem went to lengths to clamp down on his mother in a few songs fuelled by his anger towards her in an effort to vent his frustration.

The mother-and-son duo faced struggle and eviction at every turn, and moved frequently, in search of financial stability. His mother was in no position to take on the responsibilities of being a single parent. However, Eminem’s mother worked hard to make ends meet, even if the outcomes weren’t always satisfactory. 

Unfortunately, her childcare abilities weren’t up to Eminem's liking as he badmouthed his mother in the charged lyrics to “My Name Is,”

The result of this didn't make anything better as his own mother sued him for "defamation of character" in the song  This alone would send anyone over the edge but with Eminem's rough upbringing and relations with her, it was worse.

In the end, this strained relationship between him and his mother leads to success and he wouldn't be in the position he is now without, and with time, Eminem forgave his mother. 
I think the Negotiated identity approach influences my own identity the most, however, when it comes to my friends or teachers or just everyone in general I act the same throughout. Whoever is in front of me doesn't define how I act.
$ I do not define myself by my friendship group. My friendship group doesn't have anything to do with shaping my identity.
$ How I am and how look in college doesn't change no matter what, I don't change or act differently because of the place I'm in
$ I'm honest with how I represent myself to my friends and it stays the same with all of them.
I don't believe in playing a role or changing how I act to please somebody.


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